Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 7, 2017

2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) + Arduino

2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) + Arduino

In this project we will control 2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) with an Arduino. I use usually arduino mega 2560.  You can use the other arduino cards. Good Luck.

[Project 11] - 2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) + Arduino 2


[Project 11] - 2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) + Arduino 1


Arduino UNO / Other Arduino Cards  x 1
Breadboard   x 1
Servo Motor   x 2
Joystick   x 1
Jumper Cable


// [Project 11] - 2 Servos Using a Joystick 
//  (thumbstick) + Arduino

#include <Servo.h>  

int ServoHorizontalPin = 3;   
int ServoVerticalPin =  4;   
int HorizontalPotPin = A0;  
int VerticalPotPin = A1;  
int ServoH_Min = 0;  
int ServoH_Max = 180; 
int ServoV_Min = 0; 
int ServoV_Max = 180; 

Servo HorizontalServo;  
Servo VerticalServo;    

int HorizontalPotValue;         
int HorizontalServoPosition;    
int VerticalPotValue;         
int VerticalServoPosition;    

void setup()   

void loop()  
  HorizontalPotValue  = analogRead(HorizontalPotPin); 
  VerticalPotValue  = analogRead(VerticalPotPin);  
  HorizontalServoPosition  = map(HorizontalPotValue, 0, 1023, ServoH_Min , ServoH_Max); 
  VerticalServoPosition  = map(VerticalPotValue, 0, 1023, ServoH_Min , ServoH_Max);   

Servo Motor Pins:


Project Related Images:


[Project 11] - 2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) + Arduino 6[Project 11] - 2 Servos Using a Joystick (thumbstick) + Arduino 4

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